Friday, July 24, 2009

Advanced Starts, Bikes Only

When you start the race, everyone faces straight ahead. Don't you wish you could already be pointing in the right direction? Well you can, if you're on a bike. Suppose you want to face a little to the right. Hold right on the control pad, or tilt the Wii wheel right. Then do a wheelie. This will point you in the desired direction. Do it again to point even farther right. Don't forget to hold A or 2 at the appriopriate time for the boost. If you want to face really far right, do this: Hold right, then do a wheelie and while your wheel is in the air, quickly move the joystick to the left and then back to the right. If you do this correctly, your bike will end up pointed extremely far to the right. This can be really usefull if your goal is to get to the item boxes first and quickly take the lead.